When you formed your LLC or Corporation, you appointed a registered agent to guarantee the state would be able to contact you and that legal notices would reach you. You may have appointed yourself or a family member to serve as your registered agent and now want to hire a commercial agent, or you may have hired a commercial registered agent but are unhappy and want to switch to another. Regardless, we got you covered.
The rules are a little different in each state, so just choose yours, and we’ll guide you through it.
The exact process to change a registered agent varies by state. Generally, you must file an amendment with the appropriate agency and provide information about the new registered agent.
*Looking for a new agent? Our favorite, Northwest Registered Agent will handle all the transfer paperwork, notify the state, and pay any filing fees required by your state for you.
Select your state below to learn how:
A registered agent is someone you appoint to receive legal documents like service of process, subpoenas, and other official notices on behalf of your business. This individual or company must have a physical address in the state where your business is filed and must be available during regular business hours to accept these documents. A registered agent can be a private citizen or a business. Each state has slightly different requirements. Read our Registered Agent Requirements by State guide to learn about the requirements in yours.
Some states do charge a change fee. Some registered agents will pay those fees to get your business, including our favorite, Northwest Registered Agent. They’ll pay your change fees, charge $125/yr, and provide the best service in the industry. Click above to find out more!
You may change your registered agent for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you originally acted as your own registered agent and now want to switch to a professional service to handle the responsibility. Maybe you moved, or have encountered problems with the current registered agent that require you change who acts on behalf of your business in legal matters. You may have also discovered you’re paying way too much for registered agent services. They are not all the same!
It’s generally best to change your registered agent as soon as possible after you make the decision. Doing so ensures that any legal documents or notices sent via your current registered agent will be forwarded to the new one and not fall through the cracks.
No, you don’t have to change registered agents in every state where you do business. However, if your old registered agent is a professional service, they may require you to change the registered agent on all forms of business in order for them to terminate their services. Check with the company before making any changes.
If you appointed yourself as a registered agent, you can change it to another individual or to a professional service. The process for changing your registered agent varies by state, so check above for specific instructions in your state.